Through the eyes of a former police officer, Paradoxes of Police Work, 2nd edition leads the reader through the policies and inherent contradictions of law enforcement as described with real cop experiences and realities. In "tell it like it is" fashion, this book offers examples of real-life situations that occur constantly in the day-to-day operations of "routine" patrol and offers glimpses into the frustrations and stresses of law enforcement careers. Paradoxes of Police Work, 2nd edition tackles subjects that many academic texts and field books too often ignore. Controversial issues are often glossed over in other books, but their importance cannot be dismissed. Confronting them can lead to a better understanding of the profession, which can in turn create better professionals. Whether the book is used as a reader to support an academic course or in law enforcement training, the thought-provoking and insightful topic coverage clarifies the paradoxes in modern police work. Paradoxes of Police Work, 2nd edition is strongly suggested for introductory courses and academies, as well as for anyone considering a career in law enforcement.