ISBN: 9781435481626 出版年:2010 页码:1,154 David A Madsen B S M Ed David P Madsen B S 5 Cengage
This book offers comprehensive introduction to the field of residential drafting and design. Using step-by-step methods for layout of each type of drawing the student is shown how to think critically and solve problems in design. By walking the reader through the process from planning, review of architecture, structure design, building codes, requirements and variables this book illustrates exactly what is required to execute a set of plans. CADD applications are included as well as projects from basic to advanced levels...With current information on building materials, building codes and updates surrounding issues like stresses effecting a structure, change in wood standards and concrete slab design based on soil condition, this is a most thorough approach to the field of drafting and design. This edition includes 1994 changes to UBC, CABO & SBCC codes. Each chapter has a test reviewing the material covered.