----- 犯罪学:核心
It’s no mystery why Larry Siegel remains THE best-selling author in criminology education. Professor Siegel fascinates students with real-life stories of crime, criminals, and the hottest debates in the field. CRIMINOLOGY: THE CORE, Fourth Edition does not disappoint. Clear, engaging, and completely current, this paperback is also concise and absolutely affordable. The text effectively uses real-world material to clarify criminology’s concepts and theories--equipping students with a solid foundation in modern criminology. Grounded in Siegel’s signature cutting-edge theory and meticulous research, this book covers all sides of an issue without a political or theoretical position, allowing students to form their own opinions and appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of criminology. It is also packed with engaging learning tools to maximize student success. Four-color, succinct, and affordable, CRIMINOLOGY: THE CORE is a briefer, less expensive alternative to the market’s more lengthy criminology tomes--giving instructors ultimate flexibility.