Hospital Logistics and e-Management —— Digital Transition and Revolution

----- 医院物流与电子管理:数字化转型与变革

ISBN: 9781786305008 出版年:2019 页码:203 Philippe Blua Farouk Yalaoui Wiley


As new information and communication technologies (NICTs) increasingly reorganize our practices and influence our daily lives, there is a pressing need to study their impact in the field of hospital logistics and to question their future use. Hospital Logistics and e-Management presents an inventory of the health information system, and deals with informational and logistical issues with regard to medical information. Through two case studies of hospital logistics systems which have drawn on academic research, this book examines how powerful decision support tools can improve the quality of patient service and logistics organization. The first case study deals with the influx of patients to emergency services and service organization, and the second with the optimization of product collection and distribution flows.

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