Rossi's Principles of Transfusion Medicine

ISBN: 9781119012993 出版年:2016 页码:757 Toby L Simon Jeffrey McCullough Wiley


Rossi's Principles of Transfusion Medicine is the most comprehensive and practical reference on transfusion science and medicine available Led by a world class Editor team, including two past-presidents of AABB, a past- President of the American Board of Pathology and members of the FDA Blood Products Advisory Committee , and international contributor team Comprehensive reference resource, considered the gold standard in transfusion  Covers current hot topics such as donor care – including the frequency of donation and management of iron deficiency/status), patient blood management, hemovigilance, cstem cell therapies, and global aspects of the organization of transfusion and transplant services New material on molecular immunohematology Companion website includes figures, full text and references 

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