Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN) —— Beyond Lte Network Architecture

----- 软件定义的移动网络(SDMN):超越LTE网络架构

ISBN: 9781118900284 出版年:2015 页码:441 Madhusanka Liyanage Andrei Gurtov Wiley


This book describes the concept of a Software Defined Mobile Network (SDMN), which will impact the network architecture of current LTE (3GPP) networks. SDN will also open up new opportunities for traffic, resource and mobility management, as well as impose new challenges on network security. Therefore, the book addresses the main affected areas such as traffic, resource and mobility management, virtualized traffics transportation, network management, network security and techno economic concepts. Moreover, a complete introduction to SDN and SDMN concepts. Furthermore, the reader will be introduced to cutting-edge knowledge in areas such as network virtualization, as well as SDN concepts relevant to next generation mobile networks. Finally, by the end of the book the reader will be familiar with the feasibility and opportunities of SDMN concepts, and will be able to evaluate the limits of performance and scalability of these new technologies while applying them to mobile broadb and networks.

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