----- 越来越吉利的海岸:利比里亚的巴巴多斯移民、黑人精神和非洲共和国的建立
More auspicious shores燾hronicles the migration of afro-barbadians to liberia. In 1865, 346 afro-barbadians fled a failed post-emancipation caribbean for the independent black republic of liberia. They saw liberia as a means of achieving their post-emancipation goals and爌romoting a pan-africanist agenda while simultaneously fulfilling their 'civilizing' and 'christianizing' duties. Through a close examination of the afro-barbadians, caree a. Banton provides a transatlantic approach to understanding the political and sociocultural consequences of their migration and settlement in africa. Banton reveals how, as former british subjects, afro-barbadians navigated an inherent tension between ideas of pan-africanism and colonial superiority.爑pon their arrival in liberia, an爀nglish imperial identity distinguished the barbadians from african americans and secured them privileges in the republic's hierarchy above the other group.