----- 欧盟从政策到实践:一个多层次的治理制度的挑战
Introduction Part I: Member States struggle to implement EU policies: Political and administrative factors Chapter 1: Multi-level governance: the role of national and sub-national actors - The gap between policy making and policy implementation - What determines the gap and how may it be reduced - The case of cohesion policy in EU-27 - The Italian experience: contrasting regional performances Chapter 2: Administrative capacity and political stability: a framework of analysis - Four key components of administrative capacity: management, programming, monitoring, evaluation. - Defining political stability: presidential, cabinet members and executive changes Fragmentation of the political spectrum. - Does administrative capacity determine implementation performance? - How does political stability shape administrative capacity? Part II: The Italian case: national failure versus regional success. Has multi-level governance improved or hindered implementation performance? Chapter 3: The administrative and political system in Italian regions - The impact of multi-level governance: administrative and political implications - Is the Italian government still a gatekeeper? - Constrains to the implementation of cohesion policy: is the regional level efficient? - Weak national performance and some strong regional results Chapter 4: Measuring administrative capacity in Sicily and Basilicata - The degree of management: clarity of roles among actors and coordination of actives - Programming performance: design and strategy coherence - Creation of a regional monitoring system: data availability and accountability - Diffusion of the evaluation culture: fear of "inspection" and closure to external expertise Chapter 5: Explaining administrative capacity variation. Interaction between political factors and administrative key components - A history of government instability in Italy: national and regional implications - Sicily: 14 governments in 20 years (1986-2006) - Basilicata: a government per legislature - Does political stability promote administrative capacity performance? Part III: The effect of multi-level governance in both old and new Member States Chapter 6: Spain: successfully coping with Europe - Administrative and political decentralization - Multi-level governance and a new form of cooperation - The case of Galicia: thriving implementation performance - The case of Catalonia: when regions aspire to become nations Chapter 7: Poland: centralization, decentralization and re-centralization - Connecting to the EU multilevel governance system: "building bridges", "building gates" and 'defining actors' - Administrative reform: creating EU standards - Political dialogue: opening to the top and to the bottom - The progress of cohesion policy implementation Chapter 8: Conclusions: Is multi-level governance widening the implementation gap? - What determines the implementation gap: Administrative and political variables - Pros and cons of the multi-level governance implementation system - Can the implementation gap be reduced? - What about other EU policies?