被引数量: 2









The Six Month Kingdom —— Albania 1914

----- 六个月王国

ISBN: 9781850437611 出版年:2005 页码:237 Duncan Heaton-Armstrong Bloomsbury Publishing


In January 1914 the eccentric adventurer Captain Duncan Heaton-Armstrong, "on the look out for a more stable career", applied for the post of Private Secretary to the newly appointed King of Albania - the German Prince William of Wied. Under great pressure from his wife, his aunt and the Great Powers of Europe, King William reluctantly travelled to Albania and took up his throne, becoming King William I of Albania. Heaton-Armstrong describes, with vibrancy, directness and humour, a miniature royal court in a desperately poor and remote corner of Europe, and a terrifying adventure for a young family.As a Protestant Irishman of independent means, his neutrality in the cauldron of the Balkans was much appreciated. However the reign was racked throughout by internaional intrigue, military action, duplicity and betrayal. Lasting just six months, the Wied dynasty was the shortest lived in European history. As the First World War engulfed the Balkans in August 1914, two royal infants were escorted back to Germany by Heaton-Armstrong, who was promptly made the first prisoner of war. His remarkable account has been edited for this, the first general edition.


The setting is Albania at the beginning of the 20th century; newly created state as a principality (not a kingdom). As none of the local beys could claim supremacy the European Powers were looking for a new ruler from outside the country as they have done in Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. After having asked unsuccessfully three minor German Princes they settle on Prince William of Wied, himself a minor German Prince and Prussian Officer, whose aunt is the Queen of Romania (Carmen Sylva) and whose wife is eager to become a Queen herself. A decent man but without many, especial political talents and no knowledge about the country he is suppose to rule William sets out to his new principality. He seems to deal more with the outside trappings of royalty - a new uniform, medals, a palace and a little court. Well, very much like Maximilian of Austria when becoming Emperor of Mexico. Albania is a country very divided and backwards country and the new ruler does not possess any talents to bridge the divides. He is no foxy Ferdinand of Bulgaria or steady fast Carol of Romania, rulers who had to fight equally difficult situations but kept their thrones. Within 6 months William is out, never to return. Duncan Heaton-Armstrong is the prince's private secretary and he writes down his memoirs of this 6 months. It is funny to read and at the same time very sad. The Private Secretary is a shallow, superficial, stupid and pompous person. He has no knowledge. His approaches to Albania and views of the Albanians are saddening and one wonders if such attitude in the prince's entourage were bound to create alienation and one wonders whether that reflects the views of the prince himself. The prince's judgement about this appointment must be questioned. Reading this book is the best explanations why William of Wied did not make it as prince of Albania. Therefore it is very interesting and recommended to read. The introduction is very good too.


The setting is Albania at the beginning of the 20th century; newly created state as a principality (not a kingdom). As none of the local beys could claim supremacy the European Powers were looking for a new ruler from outside the country as they have done in Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. After having asked unsuccessfully three minor German Princes they settle on Prince William of Wied, himself a minor German Prince and Prussian Officer, whose aunt is the Queen of Romania (Carmen Sylva) and whose wife is eager to become a Queen herself.A decent man but without many, especial political talents and no knowledge about the country he is suppose to rule William sets out to his new principality. He seems to deal more with the outside trappings of royalty - a new uniform, medals, a palace and a little court. Well, very much like Maximilian of Austria when becoming Emperor of Mexico. Albania is a country very divided and backwards country and the new ruler does not possess any talents to bridge the divides. He is no foxy Ferdinand of Bulgaria or steady fast Carol of Romania, rulers who had to fight equally difficult situations but kept their thrones. Within 6 months William is out, never to return.Duncan Heaton-Armstrong is the prince's private secretary and he writes down his memoirs of this 6 months. It is funny to read and at the same time very sad. The Private Secretary is a shallow, superficial, stupid and pompous person. He has no knowledge. His approaches to Albania and views of the Albanians are saddening and one wonders if such attitude in the prince's entourage were bound to create alienation and one wonders whether that reflects the views of the prince himself. The prince's judgement about this appointment must be questioned. Reading thisbook is the best explanations why William of Wied did not make it as prince of Albania. Therefore it is very interesting and recommended to read. The introduction is very good too.
