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General Editor's Preface vi Preface and Acknowledgements viii A Note on Transliteration x Frequently Cited Sources xi Introduction 1 1. Beyond Recognition: Strike and the Eye of the Abattoir 21 2. Fourth-Dimensional Medusa: Battleship Potemkin and the Construction of the Soviet Cinema Audience 49 3. Picture-Thinking: October and the Debris of Philosophy 77 4. Excavating The General Line: The Pleasures and Perils of Accumulation 95 5. Savage Thinking: The Sublime Surfaces of Eisenstein's Mexico 117 6. The Skeleton Dance: Animation, Terror and the Musical Comedy 157 7. Beyond Pleasure: Ivan and the 'Juncture of Beginning and End' 185 Conclusion: The Shape of Thinking 209 Notes 215 Bibliography 249 Index 258