----- 欧洲在冷战期间的外交政策:希思,勃兰特,蓬皮杜和政治统一的梦想
Europe's first attempts at a united foreignpolicy after 1969 were remarkably successfulbut by 1974 this brief moment of concord hadvanished. Why were the EC countries able tospeak with one voice in the early 1970s, whatcaused European Political Cooperation toplunge into crisis, and what consequences -still felt today - did this have for Europe's rolein the world and its relations with the US? Thisgroundbreaking book is the first to analyse thisperiod using previously unavailable archivalmaterial and first-hand interviews.European Foreign Policy during the Cold Warilluminates the challenge of establishing Europeas an effective political power with brilliantclarity. Daniel Möckli argues that Britain'sunusually pro-European policies under EdwardHeath were the key driving force behindEurope's rise, paving the way for trilateralleadership with West German Chancellor WillyBrandt and French President GeorgesPompidou. In the years following the momentousHague Summit of 1969, which opened thedoor to British membership of the EuropeanCommunity, the EC countries were a dynamicinternational force. They petitioned the SovietUnion about human rights, negotiated with theUS about a reorganisation of the West andbecame involved in the search for peace inthe Middle East.However, Europe's quest for a distinct politicalidentity provoked a sharp US reaction, mostsignificantly from Henry Kissinger. Confrontedwith strong US opposition against anautonomous European foreign policy, the ECcountries ended up openly divided over howto respond to the 1973 oil crisis and problemsin the Middle East while Britain increasinglywithdrew from EC politics under Harold Wilson.European diplomacy declined into crisis in1974 and remained of relatively low impactfor the remainder of the Cold War.European Foreign Policy during the Cold Warfills an important gap in the history of Europe,covering an issue that is highly topical andcontroversial today.