Professional Practice for Foundation Doctors

ISBN: 9780857252845 出版年:2011 页码:328 SAGE Publications Ltd


PART ONE: YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT An Overview of the Foundation Programme Developing Effective Approaches to Learning during Foundation Training Understanding Yourself Planning Your Career Development PART TWO: PUTTING THE PATIENT FIRST AND IMPROVING SERVICES Clinical Governance and Quality Improvement Patient Safety Relationship-Building with Patients and Carers Breaking Bad News and Handling Emotion Promoting Health and the Social Context of Health Care PART THREE: MANAGEMENT, LEGAL AND ETHICAL FRAMEWORKS Health Management Systems Principles of Medical Ethics and Confidentiality The Legal Framework of Medical Practice PART FOUR: WORKING COLLABORATIVELY Collaboration and Interprofessional Working Leadership and Management Skills PART FIVE: TEACHING AND RESEARCH SKILLS Learning and Teaching Research Skills PART SIX: WORKING EFFECTIVELY AS A PROFESSIONAL Managing Your Time and Workload Self-Management Becoming a Medical Professional: Change, Lifelong Learning and Professional Development Introduction: Generic Aspects of Professional Practice for Foundation Stage and Specialty Doctors
