Electromigration in Thin Films and Electronic Devices —— Materials and Reliability

----- 薄膜和电子器件中的电迁移:材料和可靠性

ISBN: 9781845699376 出版年:2011 页码:353 Woodhead Publishing_RM


Contributor contact details Part I: Introduction Chapter 1: Modeling of electromigration phenomena Abstract: 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Analytical methods 1.3 Numerical methods 1.4 Conclusion Chapter 2: Modeling electromigration using the peridynamics approach Abstract: 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Previous approaches to modeling electromigration (EM) 2.3 Peridynamics (PD) 2.4 PD and EM 2.5 Illustrative example 2.6 Computational requirements: present and future 2.7 Conclusions Chapter 3: Modeling, simulation, and X-ray microbeam studies of electromigration Abstract: 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Modeling and simulation approaches 3.3 Experimental, modeling and simulation findings 3.4 Conclusions 3.5 Acknowledgments Part II: Electromigration in copper interconnects Chapter 4: X-ray microbeam analysis of electromigration in copper interconnects Abstract: 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Samples and X-ray microdiffraction methods 4.3 Electromigration (EM)-induced strains in conductor lines 4.4 Conclusions and summary 4.6 Appendix Chapter 5: Voiding in copper interconnects during electromigration Abstract: 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Void nucleation 5.3 Void growth 5.4 Immortality 5.5 Future trends 5.6 Acknowledgements Chapter 6: The evolution of microstructure in copper interconnects during electromigration Abstract: 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Copper microstructure evolution during electromigration 6.3 Plasticity and materials degradation mechanisms in copper interconnects 6.4 Implications for the reliability of advanced copper interconnect schemes 6.5 Conclusions and future trends Chapter 7: Scaling effects on electromigration reliability of copper interconnects Abstract: 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Mass transport during electromigration (EM) 7.3 Effect of via scaling on EM reliability 7.4 Multi-linked statistical tests for via reliability 7.5 Methods to improve the EM lifetime 7.6 Conclusion and future trends 7.7 Acknowledgements Chapter 8: Electromigration failure in nanoscale copper interconnects Abstract: 8.1 Process solutions being developed for copper interconnects 8.2 Electromigration (EM) scaling by generation 8.3 Suppression by metal capping: blocking rate-limiting EM pathways 8.4 Copper microstructure impact 8.5 Conclusions 8.6 Acknowledgements Part III: Electromigration in solder Chapter 9: Electromigration-induced microstructural evolution in lead-free and leadaEURO"tin solders Abstract: 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Intermetallic compound formation 9.3 Void formation 9.4 Formation of whisker and hillock 9.5 Grain reorientation and grain rotation 9.6 Dissolution and recrystallization Chapter 10: Electromigration in flip-chip solder joints Abstract: 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Electromigration (EM)-induced voiding failure of solder interconnects 10.3 Joule heating-enhanced dissolution of under bump metallurgy (UBM) and the diffusion of on-chip metal interconnects 10.4 Stress-related degradation of solder interconnects under EM 10.5 Thermomigration (TM) behavior in solder interconnects under a thermal gradient 10.6 Conclusions 10.7 Acknowledgements Index

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