----- 连接领导者:创造敏捷组织的人,业绩和利润
part 1: the case for connections chapter 1 what do people want? what drives engagement and why does it matter? how is the nature of engagement changing? what are the new rules of engagement? the 30-second recap the leadership takeaway chapter 2 how do organizations respond? how do organizations and individuals become disconnected? what does an organization designed for engagement look like? the 30-second recap the leadership takeaway part 1: diagnostic questions part 2: the case for connected leadership chapter 3 what must leaders do? what do leaders do? what impact do leaders create? the 30-second recap the leadership takeaway chapter 4 how can leaders succeed? how do leaders achieve high performance in the people economy? what is different about the new high-performing leadership recipe? the 30-second recap the leadership takeaway part 2: diagnostic questions part 3: the levers of connected leadership chapter 5 how to connect through trust why is trust critical to connected leaders? how do connected leaders create and sustain trust? becoming a trusted channel exercising thoughtful influence having concern for impact the 30-second recap the leadership takeaway chapter 6 how to engage through meaning why is meaning critical to performance? how do connected leaders co-create meaning? having no boundaries doing the groundwork being tenacious the 30-second recap the leadership takeaway chapter 7 how to sustain performance through dialogue why does real dialogue matter to performance? how do connected leaders sustain dialogue? listening first humility infectious passion the 30-second recap the leadership takeaway part 3: diagnostic questions part 4: developing connected leadership chapter 8 step 1: understand the 'real' mapping your 'real' organization patterns of 'real' organizations creating a 'real' map chapter 9 step 2: map out the 'formal'/'real' gap the gap matters the key questions chapter 10 step 3: evaluate your impact ipod leadership developing strategies chapter 11 step 4: develop connected leadership characteristics integrated versus sequential development developing characteristics developing trust developing meaning developing dialogue development tactics twisted development chapter 12 step 5: build a supporting context contextual improvement impact as the key to unlocking connections the leadership takeaway chapter 13 concluding thoughts