----- 象征力量的解放:哲学文集
Preface. Chapter 1: The Liberating Power of Symbols: Ernst Cassirera s Humanistic Legacy and the Warburg Library. Chapter 2: The Clash of Beliefs: Karl Jaspers on the Conflict Between Cultures. Chapter 3: Between Traditions: A Laudatio for Georg Henrik von Wright. Chapter 4: Tracing in History the Other of History: On Gershom Scholema s Sabbatai Zwi. Chapter 5: A Master Builder with Hermeneutic Tact: Karl--Otto Apela s Path of Thought. Chapter 6: Israel or Athens: To Whom does Anamnetic Reason Belong? Johann Baptist Metz on Unity Amidst Multicultural Plurality. Chapter 7: Communicative Freedom and Negative Theology: Questions for Michael Theunissen. Chapter 8: The Useful Mole who Ruins the Beautiful Lawn: The Lessing Prize for Alexander Kluge. Index