Theories of Globalization

ISBN: 9780745634746 出版年:2013 页码:245 Barrie Axford Wiley


Acknowledgements vii Introduction 1 1 What s in a Name? Themes, Concepts and Obfuscations 6 2 Theorizing Globalization: Political Science and Sociology 36 3 Theorizing Globalization: Geography, Anthropology and Cultural and Communication Studies 59 4 Theories of Globalization and Space 69 5 Theories of Globalization and Culture 91 6 Theories of Globalization and History 110 7 Theories of Globalization and Governance 130 8 Theories of Globalization and Capitalism 151 9 All Change: Critical Globalization Studies or a Social Science of Globality? 177 Bibliography 191 Index 223

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