The Things Accomplished Among Us —— Prophetic Tradition in the Structural Pattern of Luke-Acts

----- 我们中间完成的事情:路加福音的结构模式中的先知传统

ISBN: 9781850756569 出版年:1997 页码:265 Rebecca Denova Bloomsbury Publishing


Luke-Acts is a story about Jews, for Jews, written in the light of recent events which the author interprets as meaning that the 'final days' have begun. Included in those events are the sending of the 'prophet like Moses', the eschatological outpouring of the Spirit, the ingathering of the exiles, and the inclusion of gentiles in God's plan of salvation. As such, Luke-Acts was written to demonstrate the fulfilment of God's promises to Israel, and not as a history of the foundation of an independent gentile-Christian church. The key to unlocking the purpose of Luke-Acts is found in a prophetic structural pattern for both books, where the second book is instrumental in proving the claim of the messiahship of Jesus in the Gospel.

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