----- 约翰·卡尔文的教会学
Contents: Paul Avis: Foreword 1. Eddy Van der Borght and Gerard Mannion: Calvin and the Church - Volume Introduction 2. Amy Plantinga Pauw: Calvin's Practical Ecclesiology and the Question of Clerical Celibacy 3. Rose Beal: John Calvin and the Three Offices of Christ: A Bridge for Protestant and Catholic Ecclesiology? 4. John Halsey Wood: Making Calvin Modern: Abraham Kuyper's Vision for the Dutch Reformed Church 5. Sandra Arenas: The 'Vestigia Ecclesiae' in the thought of Calvin and its 20th century reception. 6. Stanley Maclean: Regnum Christi: Thomas Torrance's appropriation of Calvin's ecclesiology 7. Joshua Ralston: For Calvin Preaching Makes the Church: Recovering a Missing Ecclesial Mark 8. Roger Haight, S. J: John Calvin and Ignatius Loyola on an Ecclesial Spirituality of Social Engagement 9. Alan Sell: Rectifying Calvin's ecclesiology: the doctrinal and ecumenical importance of Separatist-Congregational catholicity 10. Gerard Mannion: The Society of Christ: The Ecumenical and Ethical Implications of Calvin's Incarnational Ecclesiology 11. Eddy Van der Borght: Calvin's Ecclesiology Revisited: Seven Trends in the Research of Calvin's Ecclesiology.