The Collects of the Roman Missals —— A Comparative Study of the Sundays in Proper Seasons before and after the Second Vatican Council

----- 罗马弥撒文集:第二届梵蒂冈会议前后合适时间的礼拜对比性研究

ISBN: 9780567033833 出版年:2013 页码:265 Lauren Pristas Bloomsbury Publishing


This study examines the collects assigned to the Sundays and major feasts of the proper seasons in the ordinary and extraordinary forms of the Roman rite. The Latin collects assigned to each day in the typical editions of the respective missals are compared and contrasted both with their respective sources and with one another. Pertinent discussions and decisions of the Consilium study groups responsible for the post-Vatican II revisions of the liturgical calendar and Mass collects are also presented and considered. The goal of the study is to determine whether the two sets of collects present the same picture of the human situation, approach God in the same way, seek the same things from him, and, where they do not, to identify significant changes in theological and/or spiritual emphases.

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