The Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 7 —— Christ: The Christian Experience in the Modern World

----- 爱德华史勒拜克斯的文集第7卷:基督:现代世界的基督徒经验

ISBN: 9780567685452 出版年:2014 页码:901 Edward Schillebeeckx Robert Schreiter, C P P S Bloomsbury Publishing


Christ. The Christian Experience in the Modern World focuses on the question of salvation for all people. Using seven 'anthropological constants', Schillebeeckx innovatively shows the social and political relevance of faith. Inspired by liberation and feminist theologies, he puts strong emphasis on human experience and on the importance of examining church teaching in its historical context. This volume is a testimony of Schillebeeckx' ground breaking attempt to rethink doctrine in the light of the research on the historical Jesus. Instead of starting with Christianity's great creedal statements about Christ and the Trinity, he focuses on the subjective experience of the first generations of believers as expressed in the New Testament. This choice stirred considerable controversy and a Vatican investigation but inspired and still keeps to inspire readers in their personal approach to Christian faith.

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