被引数量: 257






Introduction to Quantum Fields on a Lattice

ISBN: 9780521890519 出版年:2002 页码:285 Jan Smit Cambridge University Press


This book provides a concrete introduction to quantum fields on a lattice: a precise and non-perturbative definition of quantum field theory obtained by replacing continuous space-time by a discrete set of points on a lattice. The path integral on the lattice is explained in concrete examples using weak and strong coupling expansions. Fundamental concepts such as 'triviality' of Higgs fields and confinement of quarks and gluons into hadrons are described and illustrated with the results of numerical simulations. The book also provides an introduction to chiral symmetry and chiral gauge theory, as well as quantized non-abelian gauge fields, scaling and universality. Based on the lecture notes of a course given by the author, this book contains many explanatory examples and exercises, and is suitable as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses.

Curious Maverick

The book by Jan Smit "INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM FIELDS ON A LATTICE" is an excellent book on Lattice Field Theory. There are very few books on this subject and I think that it is the best because of clarity, calculation details and the ability of explaining the physical aspects of the problems in a clear way. I particularly appreciated the presentation of the symmetries in QCD and the introduction of fermion fields on the lattice as well as the question of scalar theories.
