An Introduction to Chaos in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics

ISBN: 9780521655897 出版年:1999 页码:303 J R Dorfman Cambridge University Press


Preface 1. Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics 2. The Boltzmann equation 3. Liouville's equation 4. Poincare recurrence theorem 5. Boltzmann's ergodic hypothesis 6. Gibbs' picture-mixing systems 7. The Green-Kubo formulae 8. The Baker's transformation 9. Lyapunov exponents for a map 10. The Baker's transformation is ergodic 11. Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy 12. The Frobenius-Perron equation 13. Open systems and escape-rates 14. Transport coefficients and chaos 15. SRB and Gibbs measures 16. Fractal forms in Green-Kubo relations 17. Unstable periodic orbits 18. Lorentz lattice gases 19. Dynamical foundations of the Boltzmann equation 20. The Boltzmann equation returns 21. What's next Appendices Bibliography.

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