1. Emotions, thoughts and feelings: what is a 'cognitive theory' of the emotions and does it neglect affectivity? Robert C. Solomon 2. Emotions and their philosophy of mind Richard Wollheim 3. Basic emotions, complex emotions, Machiavellian emotions Paul E. Griffiths 4. Emotion, psychosemantics, and embodied appraisals Jesse Prinz 5. Emotions and the problem of other minds Hanna Pickard 6. Emotional feelings and intentionalism Anthony Hatzimoysis 7. Emotions, rationality and mind/body Patricia Greenspan 8. The significance of recalcitrant emotion (or, anti-quasijudgmentalism) Justin D'Arms and Daniel Jacobson 9. The logic of emotions Aaron Ben-Ze'ev 10. Emotion and desire in self-deception Alfred R. Mele 11. Emotion, weakness of will, and the normative conception of agency Karen Jones 12. Narrative and perspective values and appropriate emotions Peter Goldie 13. Passion and politics Susan James 14. Don't worry, feel guilty J. David Velleman.