1. Social accounting: essays in honour of Sir Richard Stone Geoffrey J. D. Hewings and Moss Madden 2. A SAM for Europe: social accounts at the regional level revisited Jeffrey I. Round 3. Interregional SAMs and capital accounts Maureen Kilkenny and Adam Rose 4. Social accounting matrices and income distribution analysis in Kenya Arne Bigsten 5. Structure of the Bangladesh interregional social accounting system: a comparison of alternative decompositions Geoffrey J. D Hewings, Michael Sonis, Jong-Kun Lee and Sarwar Jahan 6. Decompositions of regional input-output tables John H. Ll. Dewhust and Rodney C. Jensen 7. Consistency in regional demo-economic models: the case of the northern Netherlands Dirk Stelder and Jan Oosterhaven 8. A CGE solution to the household rigidity problem in extended input-output models Andrew B. Trigg and Moss Madden 9. Operationalising a rural-urban general equilibrium model using a bi-regional SAM Maureen Kilkenny 10. Combating demographic innumeracy with social accounting principles: heterogeneity, selection, and the dynamics of interdependent populations Andrei Rogers 11. A microsimulation approach to demographic and social accounting Martin Clarke Bibliography Index.