1. Gifts from the pharmaceutical industry to physicians: do they influence prescribing? 2. Ethical considerations of receiving gifts from the pharmaceutical industry 3. One on one: an analysis of the physician-pharmaceutical company representative detailing interaction 4. Medical academia and the pharmaceutical industry 5. Teaching physicians-in-training about pharmaceutical industry promotion 6. Continuing medical education: how to separate continuing medical education from pharmaceutical industry promotion 7. Professional policies on physician-pharmaceutical industry interactions 8. Preserving professionalism: patients' perceptions of physicians' acceptance of gifts from the pharmaceutical industry 9. To sample or not to sample? The use of pharmaceutical industry-supplied medications in medical practice 10. Physician-pharmaceutical industry interactions, the law, and the media 11. Direct to consumer advertising 12. Pharmaceutical industry interactions with health care professionals: a global perspective 13. Internet resources for teaching about PPII and independent sources of information about prescription medicines.