Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England: A Study in International Trade and Economic Development

ISBN: 9780521010795 出版年:2002 页码:595 Joseph E Inikori Cambridge University Press


Drawing on classical development theory and recent theoretical advances on the connection between expanding markets and technological developments, this book shows the critical role of expanding Atlantic commerce in the successful completion of England's industrialization process over the period 1650–1850. The contribution of Africans, the central focus of the book, is measured in terms of the role of diasporic Africans in large-scale commodity production in the Americas - of which expanding Atlantic commerce was a function - at a time when demographic and other socioeconomic conditions in the Atlantic basin encouraged small-scale production by independent populations, largely for subsistence. This is the first detailed study of the role of overseas trade in the Industrial Revolution. It revises inward-looking explanations that have dominated the field in recent decades, and shifts the assessment of African contribution away from the debate on profits.


This book is not light reading, and not meant for anyone who is not a serious student of the industrial revolution in England, Atlantic history, or the origins of the current world economy. It is extremely comprehensive, with a detailed and balanced overview of the literature on the subject, carefully built arguments, and minutely examined evidence. Also, and perhaps most appealingly, the author is completely unafraid to state explicitly when he is not covering a subject - he lets the reader know what he is not going to explore and why, so he can get on with the things he does want to cover without any loose ends. It is primarily a work of academic history, but does not ignore socio-cultural factors as is often the case. I find the writing style to be engaging and easy - relatively, in the context of academic works on economic history - to read.

Alex silverstein

needed it for class. pricey book, kinda boring...
