Hormones, Health and Behaviour: A Socio-ecological and Lifespan Perspective

ISBN: 9780521103756 出版年:1998 页码:300 Catherine Panter-Brick Carol M Worthman Cambridge University Press


As widespread social transformations have been paralleled by gains in health and life expectancy through public health and other improvements, a variety of other challenges to health have emerged, particularly in lifestyle related, behaviourally mediated changes in rates of chronic disease. Hormones, Health and Behavior looks at the relationship of human biology and human society at the intersection of behavior, hormones and health. There is both scientific interest and practical urgency behind the ideas and findings presented here, as the need for a socio-ecological view of function and well-being has become more apparent. This book documents an emerging understanding of how hormones create linkage between behavior or social life and health. It will inform graduate students and researchers interested in human sciences, human development, anthropology, epidemiology, public environmental and reproductive health.

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