Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 2. The American Welfare Reform: 'Ending welfare as we know it': The 'undeserving poor' 'Ending welfare as we know it' The 'work first' strategy The low-wage labor market The work experience of welfare recipients The attitudes of welfare recipients The decline in the welfare rolls and poverty The future Recommendations to make welfare really work Social citizenship in the US Some lessons from the American experience that might be applicable to Western Europe 3. The European welfare states: social citizenship in the golden age The challenge of unemployment The impact on labor Vulnerable groups: the socially excluded Poverty Right, center and left - questioning the welfare state The 'third way': from status to contract 4. Workfare in western Europe: the United Kingdom Ireland Sweden Norway Denmark The Netherlands France Germany Risks for the socially excluded 5. Social Europe: alternatives? Conclusions? Solutions? Part A. Social Europe: convergence vs. path-dependent Negative vs. positive integration Part B. Reform at the national level Part C. Those who remain.