Introduction J. R. Speakman 1. Morphological indices of body condition: useful or wishful thinking? J. P. Hayes and J. S. Shonkwiler 2. Standard destructive methods of body composition analysis D. S. Reynolds and T. H. Kunz 3. The use of isotope dilution methods for the measurement of body composition J. R. Speakman, G. H. Visser, S. Ward and E. Krol 4. Gas dilution methods for measurement of body composition B. Henen 5. The use of total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) to determine body composition of vertebrates I. Scott, C. Selman, P. I. Mitchell and P. R. Evans 6. The use of bio-electrical impedance analyses (BIA) for estimation of body composition W. van Marken Lichtenbelt 7. The assessment of body condition and other parameters by ultrasound imaging J. M. Starck, M. Dietz and T. Piersma 8. The use of dual X-ray absorptiometry for the measurement of body composition T. R. Nagy.