Reading Neoplatonism: Non-discursive Thinking in the Texts of Plotinus, Proclus, and Damascius

ISBN: 9780521039420 出版年:2000 页码:291 Sara Rappe Cambridge University Press


Neoplatonism is a term used to designate the form of Platonic philosophy that developed in the Roman Empire from the third to the fifth century AD and that based itself on the corpus of Plato's dialogues. Sara Rappe's challenging study analyses Neoplatonic texts themselves using contemporary philosophy of language. It covers the whole tradition of Neoplatonic writing from Plotinus through Proclus to Damascius. Addressing the strain of mysticism in these works, the author shows how these texts reflect actual meditational practices, methods of concentrating the mind, and other mental disciplines that informed the tradition as a whole. In providing such a broad survey of Neoplatonic writing, the book will appeal to classical philosophers classicists as well as students of religious studies.

Amazon Customer

This excellent book begins with an interrogation: why were the Neoplatonists so weary of discursive thinking while at the same time being the most exegetical philosophical school of all Antiquity? This question's vastness precludes any exhaustive treatment, but Rappe's study goes a long way in fleshing out the most important aspects of its ambitious and fascinating theme, namely the nature of Neoplatonic knowledge and the multiple (not to mention extremely varied) ways that lead to mystical experience in Neoplatonism (philosophical exegesis, mathematics, myth, theurgy, prayer and invocation, etc.). Rappe focuses on Plotinus, Proclus and Damascius - an audacious decision, since most scholars tend to isolate Plotinus from the later Neoplatonists, but a welcome one because Plotinus is at least as fascinated as the later Neoplatonists by the 'gap' between the text and what it can't express, if not even more so. A small caveat: the book would have benefitted from further proofreading done by a French speaker; the French quotes and titles are full of errors. Still, it remains a must-read study for students of Neoplatonism and religion.

Amazon Customer

The acclaimed philosopher Sara Rappe has written a very interesting collection of work. The central question - how is the thinking of Plato still applicable today. Extensive research gives as many answers as possible...perhaps not all the answers are necessary. Prof. Rappe's style is shaky at times, of Neoplatism is your thing, you will not be disappointed. A great way to get in touch with classical thinking
