Applied Metal Forming: Including FEM Analysis

ISBN: 9780511730894 出版年:2010 页码:477 Valberg, Henry Cambridge University Press


1. Characteristics of metal forming 2. Important metal forming processes 3. FEM-analysis of metal forming 4. Theory 5. Reduction and proportion of plastic zone 6. Deformations from velocity fields 7. Technological tests and physical simulation 8. Flow stress data 9. Formability and workability 10. Friction and friction models 11. Thermal effects 12. Experimental metal flow analysis 13. Theoretical methods of analysis 14. Finite element analysis 15. FEM-analysis of technological tests 16. Forging 17. FEM-analysis of forging 18. Extrusion 19. FEM-analysis of extrusion 20. Rolling 21. FEM-analysis of rolling 22. Drawing of wire, profiles and tubes 23. FEM-analysis of wiredrawing 24. Sheet-metal forming.

Henry Ako Baringbing

This book is used as one of the main text book for manufacturing course at Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Henry gave this book to me and I am so glad. This book is easy to understand and practical since it is written by the one who is working in this field for years. Valberg has many industrial experiences in metal forming processes that leads him to write a process with a very good understanding. I highly recommend this book to under and post graduate program.
