ISBN: 9781107406988 出版年:2010 页码:291 Tak Wing Chan Cambridge University Press
1. Social status and cultural consumption Tak Wing Chan and John H. Goldthorpe 2. The social status scale: its construction and properties Tak Wing Chan 3. Social stratification and musical consumption: highbrow-middlebrow in the United States Arthur S. Alderson, Isaac Heacock and Azamat Junisbai 4. Bourdieu's legacy and the class-status debate on cultural consumption: musical consumption in contemporary France Philippe Coulangeon and Yannick Lemel 5. Social status and public cultural consumption: Chile in comparative perspective Florencia Torche 6. Social stratification and cultural participation in Hungary: a post-communist pattern of consumption? Erzsebet Bukodi 7. Status, class, and culture in the Netherlands Gerbert Kraaykamp, Koen van Eijck and Wout Ultee 8. Social stratification of cultural consumption across three domains: music theatre, dance and cinema, and the visual arts Tak Wing Chan and John H. Goldthorpe 9. Conclusion Tak Wing Chan.