ISBN: 9781107688490 出版年:2009 页码:383 D A Low Cambridge University Press
1. Prologue: survey and agenda 2. Statecraft: external intrusion and local dominion 3. Ferment: conversion and revolution in Buganda 4. Upcountry: might-have beens and the Buganda/Uganda outcome 5. Warbands: new military formations and ground-level imperialism 6. Paramountcy: Toro, Busoga and the new overlords 7. Defeat: Kabarega's resistance, Mwanga's revolt and the Sudanese mutiny 8. Succession: Nkore and the war of Igumira's Eye 9. Denouement: aggregations and rulerships 10. Government: colonial settlements and the Buganda model 11. Capstone: honour, awe and imperialism 12. Round up and review Select bibliography.