Editor's preface Bibliographical note Part I. Remembering Arthur T. von Mehren: 1. The last Euro-American legal scholar? Arthur Taylor von Mehren (1922-2006) Jurgen Basedow 2. Arthur Taylor von Mehren and the Joseph Story Research Fellowship Peter L. Murray 3. Building bridges between legal systems - the life and work of Arthur T. von Mehren Michael von Hinden Part II. Transatlantic Litigation and Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters: 4. Some fundamental jurisdictional conceptions as applied in judgement conventions Ralf Michaels 5. The Hague Convention on Choice-of-Court Agreements - was it worth the effort? Christian Thiele 6. Lis Pendens, negative declaratory-judgement actions and the first-in-time principle Martin Gebauer 7. Recent German jurisprudence on cooperation with the US in civil and commercial matters: a defense of sovereignty or judicial protectionism? Jan von Hein 8. Collective litigation German style - the act on model proceedings in capital market disputes Moritz Balz and Feliz Blobel Part III. Choice of Law in Transatlantic Relationships: 9. Party autonomy in the private international law of contracts: transatlantic convergence and economic efficiency Gisela Ruhl 10. The law applicable to intellectual property rights: is the Lex Loci Protectionis a pertinent choice of law approach? Eckart Gottschalk 11. The extraterritorial reach of antitrust law between legal imperialism and harmonious co-existence: the empagram judgement of the US Supreme Court from a European perpective Dietmar Baetge 12. Mandatory elements of the Choice-of-Law Process in international arbitration - some reflections on Teubnerian and Kelsenian legal theory Matthias Weller 13. Application of foreign law to determine punitive damages - a recent US Court contribution to Choice-of-Law evolution Oliver Furtak.