Foreword Introduction: 1. Economic rights: the terrain Shareen Hertel and Lanse Minkler Part I. Concepts: 2. The West and economic rights Jack Donnelly 3. A needs-based approach to social and economic rights Wiktor Osiatynski 4. Economic rights in the knowledge economy: an instrumental justification Albino Barrera 5. 'None so poor that he is compelled to sell himself': democracy, subsistence, and basic income Michael Goodhart 6. Benchmarking the right to work Philip Harvey Part II. Measurement: 7. The status of efforts to monitor economic, social, and cultural rights Audrey R. Chapman 8. Measuring the progressive realization of economic and social rights Clair Apodaca 9. Economic rights, human development effort, and institutions Mwangi Samson Kimenyi 10. Measuring government effort to respect economic and social human rights: a peer benchmark David L. Cingranelli and David L. Richards 11. Government respect for women's economic rights: a cross-national analysis, 1981-2003 Shawna E. Sweeney Part III. Policy Issues: 12. Economic rights and extraterritorial obligations Sigrun I. Skogly and Mark Gibney 13. Millenium development goal 8: can it be an accountability framework for international human rights obligations? Sakiko Fukuda-Parr 14. The United States and international economic rights: law, social reality, and political choice David Forsythe 15. Public policy and economic rights in Ghana and Uganda Susan Dicklitch and Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann 16. Human rights as instruments of emancipation and economic development Kaushik Basu 17. Worker rights and economic development: the cases of occupational safety and health and child labor Peter Dorman.