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Knowledge and Inquiry: Essays on the Pragmatism of Isaac Levi

ISBN: 9780521314473 出版年:2006 页码:400 Erik J Olsson Cambridge University Press


Introduction Erik J. Olsson 1. Isaac Levi and his pragmatist lineage Cheryl Misak 2. Is pragmatist truth irrelevant to inquiry? Andre Fuhrmann 3. The knowledge business Philip Kitcher 4. Infallibility and incorrigibility Bengt Hansson 5. Why inconsistency is not hell: making room for inconsistency in science Otavio Bueno 6. Levi on risk Nils-Eric Sahlin 7. Vexed convexity Henry E. Kyburg 8. Levi's chances D. H. Mellor 9. Isaac Levi's potentially surprising epistemological picture Wolfgang Spohn 10. Isaac Levi on abduction Maurice Pagnucco 11. Potential answers - to what question? Erik J. Olsson 12. Levi and the lottery Erik J. Olsson 13. The value of truth and the value of information: on Isaac Levi's epistemology Hans Rott 14. Decision-theoretic contraction and sequential change Horacio Arlo-Costa 15. Deciding what you know Mark Kaplan 16. Levi's ideals Sven Ove Hansson 17. The mind we do not change Wolfram Hinzen 18. Psychoanalysis as technology Akeel Bilgrami 19. Levi on money pumps and diachronic Dutch books Wlodek Rabinowicz 20. Levi on the reality of dispositions Johannes Persson 21. Replies Isaac Levi.

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