An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations

ISBN: 9780521826501 出版年:2004 页码:416 James C Robinson Cambridge University Press


This refreshing, introductory textbook covers both standard techniques for solving ordinary differential equations, as well as introducing students to qualitative methods such as phase-plane analysis. The presentation is concise, informal yet rigorous; it can be used either for 1-term or 1-semester courses. Topics such as Euler's method, difference equations, the dynamics of the logistic map, and the Lorenz equations, demonstrate the vitality of the subject, and provide pointers to further study. The author also encourages a graphical approach to the equations and their solutions, and to that end the book is profusely illustrated. The files to produce the figures using MATLAB are all provided in an accompanying website. Numerous worked examples provide motivation for and illustration of key ideas and show how to make the transition from theory to practice. Exercises are also provided to test and extend understanding: solutions for these are available for teachers.

Jaime Esquivel

This book helped to a moderate degree with supplementing lectures. The explanations were fairly simple and straight forward. The problems I had were that the examples were extremely brief and sparce. Many steps are skipped, and the material itself is presented in a format that assumes the reader is proficient in linear algebra and multi-variant calculus. Overall, the book was okay. I would highly recommend not using this book if you haven't taken very high level math courses.


It came in good condition, nothing special. I was able to sell it back at the end of the year which was nice.

robert a crossman

This book has come in handy for my son in his college courses and I would recommend this service as it was as advertized.

Physics Lover

This was a great product and it was here very early. It's to the point and easy to read, I would advise everyone taking a differential equations course to check this book out.

A. Potter

This book is a good primer on methods for solving differential equations, and if all you want to get out of a differential equations course is recipes for solving them, than it's fine. My complaints are: 1.) Robinson skimps a lot on theory, this would be fine for an applications book, but he tends to go light on the applictations too... 2.) The excercises are simple, unchallenging, sometimes tedious, and often extremely repetitious. Also, there are only about 5 problems per section. 3.) The book does not use enough concepts from analysis, complex analysis, or linear algebra. There's a section devoted to matrix methods of solving linear ODE's, but if you've already had some analysis/lin alg. this book will probably be unsatisfying. Conclusions: If your a applied math/math/physics major, this book's probably a little short on rigor. If your an engineering major and/or are not very interested in a rigorous development of the subject, this book's probably not too bad (but there's definitely better out there).

E. Angie Neer

As the title indicates, this in an "introduction" to ordinary differential equations. It's helping me a lot to refresh my memory on what is the point of differential equations, how you set them up given real world examples, and then how to resolve them. There seem to be many books out there on resolving more complicated differential equations (with lots of theory and proof), but for getting started, and for building a big picture view, I really like this one.

N. Fette

The book is readable and some covers parts of the subject, but is not satisfactorily in depth or rigorous. For instance, the Laplacian transform is skipped and Liapunov stability is poorly covered.


cheaper than the market price recommended book for studying differential equations exercise in the book to help you revise it.

Mercedes Fernández

El libro muy bien pero la gestiòn de la compra por parte de Amazin un desastre... al final lo he comprado dos veces!!!!
