DNA Microarrays and Gene Expression: From Experiments to Data Analysis and Modeling

ISBN: 9780521176354 出版年:2002 页码:231 Pierre Baldi G Wesley Hatfield Cambridge University Press


Massive data acquisition technologies, such as genome sequencing, high-throughput drug screening, and DNA arrays are in the process of revolutionizing biology and medicine. Using the mRNA of a given cell, at a given time, under a given set of conditions, DNA microarrays can provide a snapshot of the level of expression of all the genes in the cell. Such snapshots can be used to study fundamental biological phenomena such as development or evolution, to determine the function of new genes, to infer the role individual genes or groups of genes may play in diseases, and to monitor the effect of drugs and other compounds on gene expression. Originally published in 2002, this inter-disciplinary introduction to DNA arrays will be of value to anyone with an a interest in this powerful technology.


This book tries to combine a practical and theoretical point of view concering microarray expermiments and the data analyis thereof. This is a very honourable goal. Unfortunatelly, it fails. An indicator for this can already be seen in the low number of pages. This book has less than 140 pages (I exclude the last chapter and the appendix). It is clear, that it is impossible to discuss in detail this topic in this limited number of pages. Hence, during reading the chapters one gets the feeling, that one reads short essays which are stringed together. At no point the authors go into detail but give only a short idea and references. I see no reason, why I should recommend this book to anyone. It is in its current form just immature. My prediction: There will be no second edition because even its basic substance is very weak. Some words to the last chapter (systems biology). This is indeed the most interesting and best chapter of the book (35 pages) without going into details as the rest of the book. I think according to this chapter one realize under which premise this book was written. Unfortunatelly, combining buzz worlds in short essays is not enough for a good book. Sorry guys, I think you can do better!


That's about all I can say about this book. Don't expect any detailed information and given how the field changes, probably needs a an upgrade. However, if you want a overview of the topic, I thought it was good.
