Public Participation in Sustainability Science: A Handbook


Part I. Concepts and Insights: 1. Citizenship participation in sustainability assessments Bernd Kasemir, Carlo C. Jaeger and Jill Jager 2. Contexts of citizen participation Clair Gough, Eric Darier, Bruna de Marchi, Silvio Funtowicz, Robin Grove-White, Angela Guimaraes Pereira, Simon Shackley and Brian Wynne 3. Models as metaphors Jerry Ravetz Part II. Experiences with IA-Focus Groups: 4. Collage processes and citizens' visions for the future Bernd Kasemir, Urs Dahinden, Asa Gerger Swartling, Daniela Schibli, Ralf Schule, David T...bara and Carlo C. Jager 5. Citizen interaction with computer models Urs Dahinden, Cristina Querol, Jill Jager and Mans Nilsson 6. Citizens' reports on climate strategies Cristina Querol, Asa Gerger Swartling, Bernd Kasemir and David T...bara Part III. Further Forms of Participation: 7. Venture capital and climate policy Bernd Kasemir, Ferenc Toth and Vanessa Masing 8. COOL: exploring options for CO2 reduction in a participatory mode Willemijn Tuinstra, Marleen van de Kerkhoff, Matthijs Hisschemoller and Arthur Mol 9. Expert stakeholder participation in the Thames region Thomas E. Downing, Karen Bakker, Kate Lonsdale, Neil Summerton, Erik Swyngedouw and Consuelo Giansante 10. On the art of scenario development Chris Anastasi Part IV. Future Perspectives: 11. From projects to program in integrated assessment research Marjolein B. A. van Asselt and Jan Rotmans 12. Citizen participation and developing country agendas Kilaparti Ramakrishna 13. Linking the citizen to governance for sustainable climate futures Susanne Stoll-Kleemann, Tim O'Riordan and Tom R. Burns.

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