1. Introduction: the 1842 Act - passage and position Copyright - its nature and history Talfourd and his aims Conflicting rationales 2. Petitions and copyright: Petitioning - parliamentary history and background Petitions forms and formalities Petitions volume and subjects 3. Critics in Parliament: The Radical nexus Political cross-currents Brougham Macaulay 4. Critics in the book trade I: print workers and their allies: Printers Master Printers Journeymen Compositors Pressmen Machinemen The dispute spreads - journeymen 1839-40 The process of diffusion Associated trades Bookbinders Papermakers Other print-related specialisms Supporters of cheap print Camp followers 5. Critics in the book trade II: publishing and publishers: the book trade and authors Cheap publications: the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge Cheap Publications - the book trade Co-operation and organisation The campaign against the bills Publisher's petitions Other means of protest 6. The campaign in the daily press London dailies The Times The Morning Chronicle The Morning Post Evening Papers The Globe The Courier 7. Authors and the beginnings of authors' organisations: Southey Wordsworth: campaign manager The making of the case for the bill: petitions in favour The argument in the periodicals 9. Conclusion.