Introduction Part I. Historiographical Preliminaries: 1. Does history have a future? Some reflections on Bennett and doing philosophy historically Part II. Method, Order and Certainty: 2. Descartes and method in 1637 3. A point of order: analysis, synthesis, and Descartes's Principles 4. J. B. Morin and the Second Objections 5. Descartes and experiment in the Discourse and Essays 6. Descartes on knowledge and certainty Part III. Mind, Body, and the Laws of Nature: 7. Mind, body, and the laws of nature in Descartes and Leibniz 8. Understanding interaction: what Descartes should have told Elizabeth 9. How God causes motion: Descartes, divine sustenance, and occasionalism 10. Descartes and occasionalism 11. Semel in Vita: the scientific background to Descartes meditations 12. Forms and qualities in the Sixth Replies Part IV. Larger Visions: 13. Descartes, or the cultivation of the intellect 14. Experiment, community, and the constitution of nature in the seventeenth century.