Preface 1. The effect of variation among floral traits on the flower constancy of pollinators Robert J. Gegear and Terence M. Laverty 2. Behavioural and neural mechanisms of learning and memory as determinants of flower constancy Randolf Menzel 3. Subjective evaluation and choice-behaviour by nectar and pollen collecting bees Keith D. Waddington 4. Honeybee vision and floral displays: from detection to close-up recognition Martin Giurfa and Miriam Lehrer 5. Floral scent, olfaction and scent-driven foraging behaviour Robert A. Raguso 6. Adaptation, constraint and chance in the evolution of flower color and pollinator color vision Lars Chittka, Johannes Spaethe, Annette Schmidt and Anja Hickelsberger 7. Foraging and spatial learning in hummingbirds Sue Healy and T. Andrew Hurly 8. Bats as pollinators: foraging energetics and floral adaptations York Winter and Otto v. Helversen 9. Vision and learning in some neglected pollinators: beetles, flies, moths and butterflies Martha Weiss 10. Pollinator preference, frequency-dependence and floral evolution Ann Smithson 13. Pollinator-mediated assortative mating: causes and consequences Krinstina N. Jones 14. Behavioural responses of pollinators to variation in floral display size and their influences on the evolution of floral traits Kazuharu Ohashi and Tetsukazu Yahara 15. The effects of floral design and display on pollinator economics and pollen dispersal Lawrence D. Harder, Neal M. Williams, Crispin Y. Jordan and William A. Nelson 16. Pollinator behaviour and plant speciation: looking beyond the 'ethological isolation' paradigm Nickolas M. Waser.