RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL

ISBN: 9780471720928 出版年:2006 页码:695 Pong P Chu Wiley


Preface. Acknowlegmentss. 1. Introduction to Digital System Design. 2. Overview on Hardware Description Language. 3. Basic Language Constructs of VHDL. 4. Concurrent Signal Assignment Statements of VHDL. 5. Sequential Statements of VHDL. 6. Synthesis of VHDL Code. 7. Combinational Circuit Design: Practice. 8. Sequential Circuit Design: Principle. 9. Sequential Circuit Design: Practice. 10. Finite State Machine: Princple and Practice. 11. Register Transfer Methodology: Principle. 12. Register Transfer Methodology: Practice. 13. Hierarchical Design in VHDL. 14. Parameterized Design: Principle. 15. Parameterized Design: Practice. 16. Clock and Synchronization: Principle and Practice. References. Index.

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