----- 化学分析中痕量元素形态手册
ISBN: 9780471492146 出版年:2004 页码:671 Rita Cornelis Joseph A Caruso Wiley
Different techniques and methods have been developed for (15) Cornelis, R., Crews, H., Caruso, J. and Heumann, K., Handbook of elemental speciation: Techniques and methodology, Chapter 5.9. Speciation Analysis by Electrochemical. 1.1.2 Magnetic Sector Field Devices for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis in Handbook of Elemental Speciation: Techniques and Methodology, eds. Indiana University Course C612SPECTROCHEMICAL METHODS OF (22) âHandbook of Spectroscopy (Book Review)â, Andrade, F.J., Ray, S.R., and Hieftje, Seminar: âNew Techniques and Instrumentation for Elemental Speciation.â.