Motivating Offenders to Change —— A Guide to Enhancing Engagement in Therapy

----- 激励罪犯改变

ISBN: 9780471497554 出版年:2003 页码:284 Mary McMurran Wiley


There is increasing pressure, soon to be legislation, for particular offenders to be given a choice of psychological treatment or imprisonment, even if treatment must sometimes be within special prison hospitals or units for offenders. The key issue will be motivating offenders to commit themselves to treatment, and to maintain their motivation trough the therapeutic programme and thereafter, on release. This is the first book to tackle the subject of motivating offenders in therapeutic programmes and as such, will prove an invaluable resource for forensic practitioners. * Written by some of the top clinical and forensic practitioners and researchers in offender rehabilitation * There is a real demand for a book on this subject as a result of changes in criminal justice policy and in mental health provision Part of the Wiley Series in Forensic Clinical Psychology

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