Vitiligo —— A Comprehensive Monograph on Basic and Clinical Science

----- 白癜风:基础和临床科学综合专着

ISBN: 9780632050710 出版年:2008 页码:322 James Nordlund Wiley


This monograph is a comprehensive expose of the disorder vitiligo. The book introduces the topic with a presentation about its cultural effects in the Middle East where vitiligo is exceptionally disabling to the affected person. Nehru as Prime Minister of India stated that vitiligo was a major impediment to the successful development of India. The book includes sections on the definition of vitiligo based on a consensus of world experts on vitiligo. There is a complete description of its clinical manifestations including the extracutaneous sites by world experts. Differentiation of vitiligo from other forms of depigmentation associated with malignancies is included with sufficient photographs to document differences. A section will present the physiological changes associated with depigmentation - a little known phenomena. The complete histology, differential diagnosis and animal models are major sections. The animal models are important in formulating theories about the causes of vitiligo. Most clinicians will find this section very informative. The book finishes with a thorough treatise on the principles of therapy.

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