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In-Situ Burning for Oil Spill Countermeasures

ISBN: 9781138735255 出版年:2018 页码:477 Fingas, Merv CRC Press


Shelving Guide: Environmental Engineering In-situ burning is recognized as a viable alternative for cleaning up oil spills on land and water. It can rapidly reduce the volume of spilled oil and eliminate the need to collect, store, transport, and dispose of recovered oil, and can also shorten the response time to a spill, thus reducing the chances that the spill will spread on the water surface or further into land. This book will serve as a comprehensive reference for all aspects of in-situ burning of oil spills and include the scientific aspects of the burning process and the related effects, as well as practical information about the procedures to be followed and equipment required for carrying out an in-situ burn. Features Serves as a complete source of information on in-situ burning as well as practical guide on how to implement the procedures. Explains procedures for burning in different situations, including on water, land, and ice. Provides information on worker health and safety precautions during burning. Covers several different types of emissions, their environmental fate, and how to monitor them. Includes numerous illustrative case studies.

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