To several persons, in and out of the county, for material aid in the writing of this book, the author desires here strongly to express his thanks. Major Robert William Starr, of Wolfville, has the widest knowledge of any person living in the county of the general details of the county's history, and from first to last the author has had Major Starr's cordial and most important help. To Mr. John Burgess Calkin, LL.D., of Truro, Mr. John Elihu Wood worth of Berwick, Hon. Judge Savary, the accomplished editor and part author of the valuable calnek-savary History of Annapolis; to Harry Piers, Esq., of Halifax, Miss Donohue, Acting Librarian of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, the Rev. Edward Manning Saunders, D.D., of Halifax, Mr. Gustavus E. Bishop, of Greenwich, Mr. John E. Chapman, of Boston, and in connection with the chapter on authors and literature the Rev. Arthur John Lockhart, of Winter port, Maine, the author owes deep debts of gratitude. For con tinual inspiration and suggestion he owes much also to his cousin, Dr. Benjamin Rand, of Harvard University, one of the best friends Nova Scotia, and indeed Canada at large, has in the United States. By his cousins, Ralph Samuel Eaton and Mrs. Wilford Henry Chip. Man, of Kentville, the author has also been helped in important ways.