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IN the following pages an attempt has been made to give an account of the cruise of the ship Sout/zem Cross to the South Polar Seas, and of the first winter ever spent on Antarctic shores. The aim of this book is to present to the general reader a simple account of our experiences and of the phenomena witnessed in those little-known regions. The recorded minutiae of monotonous months have been, as far as possible, avoided. So that it is hoped these pages may be read without weariness and, perhaps, with a certain amount of profit, for although in no way a scientific narrative of the voyage, great care has been taken to make any scientific information and fresh facts as accurate as possible. The scientific results of the expedition have been published elsewhere, but a short account of some of the results obtained is given at the end of this volume, and may prove of interest to some readers. It is, no doubt, extremely difficult to sustain interest in a narrative dealing with a locality so barren and devoid of life.