Designs and Instructions for Irish Crochet Lace

ISBN: 9781333850388 出版年:2016 页码:32 T Buettner Co , Inc Forgotten Books


In the sprays the cord padding is an important factor, for by its tightness or looseness, stems or leaves of various designs can be curved in any direction desired and give a life-like appearance to the flower, which the counted stitches alone can never give. The directions for a spray may be followed very carefully by two work ers, and yet they may obtain quite different results. When a spray shows signs of getting either saucer shaped or frilled, when it should lie flat, the worker will have to use her own discretion, increasing or diminishing number of stitches in order to bring out the desired result. The aim of the worker should be, to pro duce the most artistic work she is capable of; if, by altering a curve or adding a leaf to any spray she can create a design more pleasing to herself, she should not hesitate to follow her own inclination. These instructions are intended for those who wish to become good workers, and to them it is necessary to explain the object in View. They must understand that two workers seldom work alike, and the same spray from these directions, by two different persons, might turn out to be of a different size. In order to teach each detail in a clear manner it is necessary to give exact number of stitches for it, but when it is once mastered a worker may discontinue the counting. Every worker after a time should be able to work from a drawing and until she can at least to some extent follow one the highest perfection in Irish crochet can not be obtained. Careful observation, however, will soon enable anyone to work any flower, composed of rings and petals, from a drawing.


I couldn't believe it when I opened this and saw that some of the illustrations were just black boxes! it looks like the publishers took apart an old book, copied the pages on the oldest scanner in the world, and bound them in a nice cover. I found it basically useless and returned it.

Christi kellas

It is a photocopy of antique lace. The pictures are not all clear and my book is missing some vital information. I have half blank pages. Normally I would look at the picture and adjust what is missing, however since the pictures are not clear, I cannot do this.

Maria painter and fiber artist

I love Irish Crochet. My fascination with this art form, and yes it is an art form, the research of techniques is ever present. But the printing has a great deal to be desired. photos are blacked out. typed words are missing, the quality is of poor.

Ellen Perkins

Great book for learning Irish crochet

Helen J.


Margaret K

This is a photocopy of an original vintage book, not well done and some omissions due to careless photocopying, I didn't pay a lot for the book so did not want the trouble of sending it back. Imparts some knowledge and vintage patterns so not a complete dead loss thus one star.
